The Lucca Collection - The Perfect Crema
We’ve recently been showing you all how hugely inspired we are by the city of Lucca and Italy in general. One constant theme throughout is the wonderful food which is so key to the lifestyle in Italy in general, but in Tuscany particularly. Eating is not simply a way of fueling oneself for the day ahead, in this part of the world it’s always a reason to meet family and friends and take the time to celebrate life! Now we introduce The Lucca Collection – The perfect Crema…
Good Coffee
On the table, food’s main companion is beverage; whether warm or cold. The obvious choice for a warm drink is the iconic, world renowned Italian cofffee. When you order a coffee in Italy, it is entirely probable that you will be served a very strong espresso. Having sampled hundreds of these Italian shots over the past few years around this area, we can say that it’s very very rare to stumble across a bad one!
Freshly Ground Inspiration
The Lucca Collection draws its inspiration from all aspects of Tuscan life and so it wouldn’t, in our opinion, be complete without a reference to the food and drink. We chose coffee for its important place in Italian culture and richness of heritage and the fact that we love it! Just the sheer beauty of the perfect crema atop a shot of liquid black gold – “un caffe”! So we went on a hunt for the perfect vegetable tanned leathers to curate a collection of straps…
Here you can follow us on our journey and get an insight into our work: